After a classical dance education, Audrey Pascal (F) obtained a diploma Jazz dance at the EPSE Danse in Montpellier, led by Anne Marie Porras, Deug2 STAPS at the university of Crteil and a Pilates diploma.

She continued education with Raza Hammadi (Mattox), Thierry Verger (Graham, Limon, Modal Dance), Katto Ribeiro (Mattox en Capoera). Followed workshops en training in circus aerial dance cie LÕEolienne.

She danced in several companies such as Ballets Jazz Art, Serge Keuten (where she danced Balletomania), Transe en Danse, Afro-contemporaine Nyanga Zam (dancer in ÒFemmes secrtesÓ), BelgÕart (assistant choreographer and dancer in ÒQui bent u?Ó), É. She was a dancer for the artist ZAZ.

She took part in many festivals and won a golden medal at the dance competition Charleville-Mzire in group with the New Espace Danse school. In 2010 she won the contest Made by Belgians and also received the price of the public.

As a teacher she taught modern jazz and contemporary in ao Cultural Center Les Lilas Ğ Paris, Kdanse Brussels, Incidanse Wavre, DMS Leuven, Dansstudio Arabesque, New Espace Danse Namen, at several dance courses and at the MOMENT festival.

Audrey is also a choreographer.

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